[TRLog] ARRL CW and new 930 CPU board

D. R. Evans N7DR@arrl.net
Wed, 24 Feb 1999 12:15:26 -0600


Except for two unrepeatable weirdnesses, the new 930 board worked 
flawlessly with TR all weekend.

The only slightly worrying one was the first time I operated S&P split; 
when the station finally came back to me I hit the enter key to send the 
exchange and log the contact, and both VFOs suddenly darted to 14.500. I 
tried to reproduce the problem but couldn't. (And no, it wasn't RF; the 
longest ground line in my basement shack is about four feet before it 
buries itself in the soil; I've never seen a trace of stray RF in the 

I'm still running the original firmware; the current firmware would 
probably make it even more pleasant. (I'm still waiting for Chris to make 
an adapter available that will allow me to download new firmware. I love 
the board too much to want to take it out and have him reprogram it.)

  Doc  N7DR

D.R. Evans N7DR / G4AMJ                      N7DR@arrl.net

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