[TRLog] TRLOG 6.42 in IARU

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
12 Jul 1999 18:53:07 -0000

> This was my first use of my "new" TS-930, improved with the PIEXX board.
> About 11 hours into the contest, the PIEXX board "burped" and lost its mind.
> I had to power-cycle the 930 to restore it to normal.  6.42 then reported
> the mode as "SSB", despite having made every previous QSO on CW, and having
> MULTIPLE MODES = FALSE. Alt-M had no effect - it was stuck on SSB.  I
> panicked, and called N7DR on the phone.  After 20 minutes of trying stuff
> like deleting the RESTART.BIN file, disconnecting the computer interface,
> unadministering the 930 in TR, Alt-M still had no effect - it was stuck on
> SSB.  What finally worked was to change MULTIPLE MODES = TRUE.  Then I could
> use Alt-M to change back to CW.  Since TRLOG can't read the mode from the
> 930, how is this suppose to work ?  What's the proper way to set up TRLOG
> with a TS-930/PIEXX ?

Well - from TR's perspective - it can read the mode, and it was SSB.  
I agree that not putting MULTIPLER MODES = FALSE is probably the best 
way to work around this.

> - Checking HQ mults
> I couldn't figure out a way to see my HQ mult situation at a glance - I
> wanted a way to easily glance down a list of HQ mults to see what "holes" I
> had.  I thought ctrl-O (the missing mults report) used to do this, but
> perhaps I'm confusing this with Brand-C contest software.  Anyway, ctrl-O
> should be enhanced (or fixed) to work for IARU (it does nothing).

There isn't one - but this is something I can look at.  Another way to
do it is to program them in ahead of time using a .DOM File.


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