[TRLog] Alt D bug?

Dale L. Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Mon, 19 Jul 1999 18:18:31 -0500

><< The two radio automation
>is really only configured to work when you are CQing on the main
>radio. >>
>I thought as much, however.......
>Quite simply I *cannot* call CQ, I don't get replies in 1999,
>complete waste of time. ( used to in 1969  :-((  )
>Two radio mode is a marvellous tool for the popgun contester. I
>run two bands in S&P simultaneously.  >

I'm with Clive, Tree!  Anything you can do to facilitate 2R S&P
ops in TRLog would be a great help.  I CQ on the "Main" radio
far, far less than I S&P.

dale, kg5u

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