[TRLog] Re: [psk31] TS 570 and PTT

Gil Baron W0MN gbaron@home.com
Tue, 1 Jun 1999 18:02:21 -0500

I realize the ACC2 works that way but if you have a TS870 and it still does
not work for you it may be as mine, it is not connected. It was a
manufacturing fault as nearly as I can tell. I just use the front panel with
a divider and stew at Kenwood!

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael A. Gipe <mgipe@reliablemeters.com>
To: PSK31 <psk31@bipt106.bi.ehu.es>
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [psk31] TS 570 and PTT

> Dear phase shifters --
> I have my TS570 up and running on psk31, and discovered the foibles of
> the ACC2 connector on this rig.
> Although the ACC2 connector is nominally the same on all the Kenwoods,
> some of the details are different.
> For the TS570 (and I believe also the TS870), the audio input on ACC2
> is ONLY active when the TNC PTT line is connected to ground.  This
> also disables the front panel microphone input (and the digital
> storage unit).  There is another PTT line on the ACC2 connector which
> is essentially paralleled with the microphone switch.  This is useful
> for a footswitch when running SSB contest style, but cannot be used
> for PSK input through ACC2.  It appears that the RS232 interface can
> be used to turn on the transmitter for regular microphone audio, but
> not for ACC2 input audio.
> The bottom line is, in order to use the ACC2 audio input for psk, you
> MUST use the ACC2 TNC PTT signal to transmit.  The microphone PTT, the
> front panel "transmit" button, and the RS232 transmit command will not
> work.
> Mike K1MG
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