[TRLog] FD Scoring Question

Fullgraf, Chuck fullgraf@kcc.com
Thu, 24 Jun 1999 08:42:59 -0500

When I choose the "Field Day" in the list of contests when starting TR, it
starts with the WARC bands enabled and the scoring multiplies the mults by
the QSOs.

The WARC bands can be fixed in teh Ctrl-J menu, the latter, I don't know.

Is this the correct choice for the ARRL Field Day? TR is so good with the
"canned" contest files, I feel like I must be doing something wrong.

This is in Ver 6.40, but I did the same choices with the same results in
earlier versions. Since FD is getting closer, I guess it's time to stop
procrastinating and get educated.

Thanks for the help.

Chuck, KE4OAR
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