[TRLog] Can't abort CW immediately w/ Esc

Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV dl2zav@qsl.net
Mon, 1 Mar 1999 23:54:50 +0100

>I do the same thing but I use F1 to send my call and then when I receive
>information I use enter to finish the contact and log the information.  Lo
>behold I am smarter that the computer- I know the sequence.
>Jean   W4TYU

So do I. If I had time to enter some data, I'm not in a hurry and use F1/F2,
then TR knows what's going on. This avoids Doc's problem
If I have to be quick, I type in the call as I first hear it and hit ENTER.

>D. R. Evans" wrote:
>> > > I'm in S&P mode. I hear someone send a power, so I dump that in the
>> > > exchange window. Then he sends his call (perhaps he's only signing
>> > > two or three Qs) and I put the call in the exchange window. Then I
>> > > <ENTER> to call him. TR's state machine doesn't seem to understand
that I
>> > > haven't called him before. It believes (erroneously) that because
there is
>> > > already an entry in the exchange field, it's already called the guy.
>> > > instead of sending N7DR, it sends 599CO, which makes me sound like
>> > > more of a lid than I really am.
>> But this begs the (more important) question as to why TR thinks I'm
>> completing the QSO when I've never even called the guy.
>> To reiterate:
>>   If I've put an entry in the exchange window, and then put the other
>> station's call in the call window, and then hit <ENTER>, TR currently
>> to think that I'm completing a QSO, so it goes off into it's "updating
>> disk" routine while it's sending the exchange. But I haven't even sent my
>> call yet, so it certainly shouldn't be logging the QSO (or sending the
>> exchange).
>> TR should be smart enough to realise that I haven't yet sent my call and
>> NOTHING to log the QSO at this point -- because the QSO can't possibly be
>> complete. Hitting <ENTER> should just send my call in this situation, as
>> would if I had not put anything in the exchange window. Shouldn't it?
>> (And then the NEXT time I hit <ENTER> it should log the QSO [since I've
>> sent my call at that point].)

You could have called him using the paddles.
How can TR know if you got your data from the other station as your exchange
or in "SWL mode"? (It obviously assumes the first which I think is correct)

73, Udo

sri abt formatting, my word wrap seems not to work

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