[TRLog] Pgm crash with network spots

Don Moman ve6jy@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 10:35:06 -0700 (MST)

Similar network here - 5 stations and a real variety of computers -
PII-400 down to a slow 386, all with FT1000mp/d.  That seems like what we
were seeing here - It seemed to crash more often when checking for dupes -
i.e.  tuning around the band. Left alone, the computer was less prone to
hang, but I can't be certain that it still wouldn't hang.  We had lots of
them and I wasn't there when all of them happened.  V6.43 was at least as
prone, we didn't go back any further than that.  The slower computers hung
FAR more often and the two fastest never had problems with this issue. 
When hung, the cursor was flashing on the left side of the band map area. 

73 Don

----- Original Message -----
From: kl7ra <kl7ra@ptialaska.net>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 10:04 AM
Subject: [TRLog] Pgm crash with network spots

> During the WW we had six stations on a network with a seventh PC dumping
> spots.
> One by one the different positions would crash (keyboard goes dead) until
> pulled the plug on the spotting machine. No crashes after that even with a
> very busy network.
> This weekend I was able to duplicate the problem using TR packetsimulate.
> We found with the spots coming one a second and tuning a radio around the
> band the program would crash sooner (with 781) or later (950). We could
> crash the program
> by using any feature including the bandmap. We could not find a tuning
> pattern that would crash the program consistently. Just tuning would do
> Not fast or slow, or up or down. Just tuning around.
> With the spots running and no tuning the program would not crash.
> I switched to 634 and it would not crash.
> The network is 486 machines with 781 and 950 radios and different flavors
> of level
> converters.
> Rich  KL7RA
> --
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
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