[TRLog] 6.44 error message with second PIEXX TS930

K5TQ@aol.com K5TQ@aol.com
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 01:35:07 EDT

Hi all.

I'm just getting around to trying v6.44.

I have two PIEXX TS930s interfaced which I call TS570s in my .cfg file.  They 
worked OK with 6.43.  With 6.44 I get

INVALID STATEMENT IN \log\standard\standard.dat!!  Line 19
radio two type = ts570
Program halted...  Unable to load in \log\standard\standard.dat

and then dumped to DOS.  \log\standard\standard.dat is my common 
configuration file (haven't caught up with the new stdcfg feature yet).  Any 

Another question:  What should I be calling the 930s?  Is TS570 OK?

Gary, K5TQ

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