Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@qsl.net
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 21:52:43 -0400

Hee, hee, har, sniggle, snork.

Hmmm, snorf.  Snark.

Is there ANY reasonable code that one might put in a contest program, that
some dang contest doesn't break? Smfff. Ahh Hoo...

Fix this one, Trey, and I'll FedEx you a pizza direct from Pizza-Land, New

Telling them to put the station in four times stroke each county, No-Qing
the last three and hand editing the score after the contest, or any part
thereof, does not count toward the Pizza.

- - . . .   . . . - -     .   . . .     - - .   . - . .

73, Guy
Apex, NC, USA

----- Original Message -----
From: Jean Giesler <w4tyu@icx.net>
To: TR LOG REFLECTOR <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 7:40 PM

> In many state QSO Parties, there are stations operating on county lines.
> I have seen as many a four counties given as multipliers.   The rules
> state credit for one QSO but credit for all the Multipliers.
> Is there a convenient way to handle this in TR LOG  to assure proper
> credit for both QSOs and multipliers ?
> --
> FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
> Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
> Feature Wishlist:   http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/trlogfaq.html
Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-trlog@contesting.com
Feature Wishlist:	  http://web.jzap.com/n6tr/trwish.html