[TRLog] K5TR Schedule / Was: N6TR Schedule

George Fremin III geoiii@kkn.net
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 07:50:27 -0700 (PDT)

n6tr@teleport.com writes:

> I will not be in the CQ WW SSB - so, I will be around if anyone

I will be out of the country from Thursday Oct 28th to Monday Nov 1.

> K5TR should be available for technical support during this period.

I should be around most of the time from Tuesday Nov 2 through SS CW.
I will not be operating SS CW but I will be away that weekend starting
friday.  I will be on the net during this time.

Good Luck in all the contests.


George Fremin III          "I'm talkin' 'bout that outlaw X
Johnson City, TX             It's cuttin' through the air.... "
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)              
830/868-2510                      -- "Heard it on the X"
geoiii@kkn.net                               -- ZZ Top

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