[TRLog] Wrong call

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
5 Sep 1999 23:33:05 -0000

> > To send the correct call, you will need to edit it in the callsign
> > window as TR hasn't totally sorted out the exchange window contents
> > before sending the exchange.
> Far be it for me to argue with the software developer, but are you sure about 
> this? I seem to recall one of the charms about TR was the ability to send the 
> corrected call with the exchange when the corrected call is typed into the 
> exchange field.
> Granted, my equipment is in storage and I haven't operated in over a year, so 
> maybe that isn't even what we're talking about.

Hmm - you could be right.  I kind of remember doing something like that
but I couldn't make it work that way.  I will do a little more digging.


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