[TRLog] VHF Contest operation problem

Udo Lautenbach DL2ZAV dl2zav@online.de
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 20:12:05 +0200

Set FREQUENCY ADDER = 100000000
This will add the missing 100 MHz to the frequency readout (Yes, the unit is
Hertz, not kHz).
Worked OK with our IC746 club station.
73, Udo
dl2zav@online.de     dl2zav@qsl.net

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Marion J. Henson <marionh@jps.net>
An: <trlog@contesting.com>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. September 1999 00:26
Betreff: [TRLog] VHF Contest operation problem

> My new ICOM IC746 xcvr worked great with V6.42 in WAE but when I tried
> to set things up for the VHF contest last weekend using V6.43 I ran into
> a snag.  6 meters worked ok but when I tried to QSY to 2 meters the
> frequency readout would drop the initial 1 and the BAND MODE screen
> would drop all bands except the All column and could not log 144 mHz
> contacts.  Disconecting the interface control line would permit manual
> entry.  Any ideas?  Is it being caused due to exceeding the number of
> numerals permitted in the frequency readout?  Any help appreciated.
> Thanks de W6NKR.

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