[TRLog] How to add serial number to TR logs

00tlzivney@bsuvc.bsu.edu 00tlzivney@bsuvc.bsu.edu
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 10:30:07 -0500 (EST)

Thanks to VE3IAY for the following tip (which worked!0

Run POST, choose L, then C, the third query is "Renumber QSO number (y/n)"
choose y.  Also, you want to split modes when that question is asked.
This will replace the frequency data that appears in LOG.DAT with
sequential serial numbers in LOGCW.DAT or LOGSSB.DAA
Be sure that you don't have dupes deleted first or the numbering will be

The exact frequency data from your original LOG.DAT file is NOT incorporated
into the frequency column of the Cabrillo file.  As a former CT user, I
was accustomed to having both the complete frequency and the QSO number showing
in the log.

Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9

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