[TRLog] 10M Contest MM mults, ignore previous post

Dave Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:19:29 -0700

A while ago, I sent out a message with
Mm1 = MM1
Mm2 = MM2
Mm3 = MM3

added to the file S50P13DC.DOM, to account for the Maritime
Mobile multipliers. Well, on further inspection, this is not
working properly. It is putting the serial number into the
RST column, and messing it up in some cases. I haven't figured out
an easy way to make the MM's work, so I guess I'll just log 'em,
make a note, and fix it all up after the contest.

Sorry for the confusion.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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