[TRLog] Cabrillo for the Stew Perry

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
8 Dec 2000 08:41:31 -0000

> I have been checking the operation of TR LOG for the Stew Perry contest in
> preparation for this year's contest.
> I note that the sent exchange (my grid square) does not appear in the Sent
> column of the DAT file.The program is computing the points correctly. Also,
> when I produce a Cabrillo log my grid square does not appear either in the
> Sent Exchange area or in the preliminary lines of the Cabrillo log.
> If this is the way it is supposed to be, how will Tree know what my grid
> square is in order to compute my score ?  Am I forgetting to do something ?

I can figure it out from the logs of all the stations you work.

I'll check POST - but once again - I am the one who checks the 
logs - so I don't think this will be an issue.


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