Fam. Christensen oz8ae@mail.tele.dk
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:29:44 +0100

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Hi folks.

A bit more info from my side, and I appologize not given that info when =
I started up the "What happened".

Operating TR 6.53. - The station is an old ICOM IC-740, power 60-70 =
watts on 10 meters.
Antenna TH3MK4 at 35 ft way back in my garden. -
The computer an old 75 MHz Pentium. - Loaded with WIN95 and word97. =
Nothing else. The computer only used for ham radio. Have XPware for DOS, =
LOGGER for my OX/OZ8AE logbook, CT, TR and internet.=20

The only interface I have is the keying interface. Made with an opto =
devise 4N25 plus 470 ohm resistor. - Using serial port 2 here. - This =
one used since 1995 on 4 different computers and have never ever had a =
problem with it. - The plug is grounded by solid connection to the =
computer and schielded wire is used.

So no other connection between computer and my old radio. - Just to say =
to that many out there, the NONCW also occours here with a very simple =
set up. -=20

K4XU Frey gave an answer on how to move on after correction the call =
window. Will try it here.


If the NONCW situation had shown up in my highlight of the Year, in the =
middle of the CQ WW CW weekend where I made 1500 QSOs, I simply don't =
know, what had happened here in our house.=20

Before the CQ WW CW contest I found that remaining memory was only 40 kb =
in the logging program. The computer started up the normal way, going =
back to START, then selecting Starting up in DOS 622. - Was going to run =
memmaker, but my son made a boot disk for DOS within 2 minutes, and the =
remaining memory went up to 140 kb instead. -

73 de Joergen OZ8AE

Fam. Christensen

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>Hi folks.</DIV>
<DIV>A bit more info from my side, and I appologize not given that info =
when I=20
started up the "What happened".</DIV>
<DIV>Operating TR 6.53. - The station is an old ICOM IC-740, power 60-70 =
on 10 meters.</DIV>
<DIV>Antenna TH3MK4 at 35 ft way back in my garden. -</DIV>
<DIV>The computer an old 75 MHz Pentium. - Loaded with WIN95 and word97. =
else. The computer only used for ham radio. Have XPware for DOS, LOGGER =
for my=20
OX/OZ8AE logbook, CT, TR and internet. </DIV>
<DIV>The only interface I have is the keying interface. Made with an =
opto devise=20
4N25 plus 470 ohm resistor. - Using serial port 2 here. - This one used =
1995 on 4 different computers and have never ever had a problem with it. =
- The=20
plug is grounded by solid connection to the computer and schielded wire =
<DIV>So no other connection between computer and my old radio. - Just to =
say to=20
that many out there, the NONCW also occours here with a very simple set =
up. -=20
<DIV>K4XU Frey gave an answer on how to move on after correction the =
window. Will try it here.</DIV>
<DIV>If the NONCW situation had shown up in my highlight of the Year, in =
middle of the CQ WW CW weekend where I made 1500 QSOs, I simply don't =
know, what=20
had happened here in our house. </DIV>
<DIV>Before the CQ WW CW contest I found that remaining memory was only =
40 kb in=20
the logging program. The computer started up the normal way, going back =
START, then selecting Starting up in DOS 622. - Was going to run =
memmaker, but=20
my son made a boot disk for DOS within 2 minutes, and the remaining =
memory went=20
up to 140 kb instead. -</DIV>
<DIV>73 de Joergen OZ8AE</DIV>
<DIV>Fam. Christensen<BR><A=20


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