[TRLog] General QSO (6.47)

Howard Hoyt n4af@qsl.net
Mon, 07 Feb 2000 13:36:23 -0500

I am trying to setup TR for tracking general qso's.

With EXCHANGE RECEIVED = RST NAME QTH and entering only the name
the resultant log.dat seems to log only the first character of the
computed QTH- carrying the remaining characters over to points ???
2000 QSO LOG - N4AF N4AF

 Band    Date    Time  QSO#  Call worked   Sent Rcvd Name       
Qth       Mults
 ----    ----    ----  ----  -----------   ---- ---- ----       
---       -----
160CW  07-Feb-00 18:26    1  G3XAF          599  599 ROGER         
G        1
160CW  07-Feb-00 18:26    2  KE3Q           599  599 RICH          
K        1
160CW  07-Feb-00 18:26    3  VE3IAF         599  599 ROY           
V       E 1
160CW  07-Feb-00 18:28    4  RU3AR          599  569 DIMITRI       
U       A 1
160CW  07-Feb-00 18:28    5  3DA0Q          599  599 ART           
3       DA 1

Bluebird Trail
Blounts Creek, NC

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