[TRLog] Icom

n6tr@teleport.com n6tr@teleport.com
25 Feb 2000 18:22:11 -0000

More news on the Icom.  It appears that in some cases, TR might have
a problem with 4800 baud.  I will work on trying to fix this, but the
work around of 1200 baud appears to be solid.  This data is with a 765:

>1. What baud rate are you using?  If it is possible to try 1200 baud,
>see if that fixes the problem.

Up to now I have been using 4800 baud. Changed it to 1200 and it seems to
have fixed the problem! Finally! THANKS....
>2. Do you have the transceive feature disabled?  It looks like it is,
>but I just wanted to be sure that wasn't the issue.

>It appears that occasional bytes are not being processed.  Also, please
>tell me what type of computer you have and the operating system.
Pentium, 160.
Win 95


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