[TRLog] CW Keying

robert c reisenweber bobreis@juno.com
Mon, 3 Jul 2000 09:51:50 +0100

I picked up a copy of TR Log at Dayton this year.  Loaded it into the
computer and operated the CQWPX CW contest with no problems.  This past
weekend I was going to use it in the RAC Canada Day contest and now it
won't key the radio.

I've gone through the startup procedure several times and named the
serial port for the keyer, but nothing.  The computer plays nice CW, but
nothing out of the rig.  I even added the line CW Enable = True to the
cfg file.

Once I exit out of the program and execute my LOG-EQF, its keying
function works great.  So I must be doing something wrong with TR-Log. 
Any suggestions?
Thanks, 73 de Bob W3BBO

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