[TRLog] WAE QTC edit

Clive Whelan clive_whelan@btinternet.com
Wed, 19 Jul 2000 23:45:07 +0100

I have taken a quick look at this, and there seem to be serious 

Frankly I have forgotten what the line edit facility is supposed 
to do exactly, and I can't find it referenced in the manual. Can 
someone point to the right place in the manual pse?

However the problems seem more serious than this. Owing to an 
impending QTH move my transceiver is packed, and I can only copy 
the CW from the computer, but in all other functions this seems 
to be OK *EXCEPT* when hitting Ctrl Q to send QTC? to a DX 
station, only ATC is sent, presumably being truncated, i.e 
missing the first two dashes in Q ?

As I said I'm not certain what the cursor keys should do, but 
any use of the keys to edit the line simply produces letters K 
or M, and doesn't backspace along the line. Then when using the 
Escape key to hurriedly exit the process, my computer crashes 
and only Ctrl/Alt/Del will retrieve. This would be a disaster in 
the heat of the contest.

Am I missing summat or is WAE broken.



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