[TRLog] packet

Scott Northcutt snorthcutt@mindspring.com
Wed, 07 Jun 2000 09:20:15 -0500

> Put the following statement in logcfg.dat:
> eight bit packet port = true
> Dave Hachadorian, K6LL

If you don't want to try the above, the following may help.  I think
that TR defaults to "2400 7E1" - 2400 bits per second, 7 data bits, even
parity, one stop bit.  Ensure that the KAM is set up with these
parameters.  Higher comm speeds are possible but could be problematic if
your logging computer is older (something about missed interrupts if I
recall - dunno, maybe Tree revamped it - can't remember).  Also, since
the above is the default, you don't have to hack your logcfg file
either.  Stuffing these parameters into my PK-232 got the cluster spots
working in the bandmap for me.  Hope it works for you.

Scott Northcutt - N4JN

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