[TRLog] com port trouble

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 11:05:40 -0500

> On 21 Jun 00, at 5:31, n6tr@teleport.com wrote:
> >
> > > Com 1 in my Dell Latitude works OK for networking but will
> not key the =
> > > radio when set up for that purpose.  The base stays at -5v
> when keyed.
> > > = Fortunately the LPT side is fine for keying, but I'd like
> to have an =
> > > idea what's going on.  Any ideas?
> >
> > I would like to understand this myself.  Can you get a schematic
> > of your serial port (he asks with not hope).
> >
> > Sounds like the hardware isn't "IBM compatable".
> >

I don't know if this would be helpful, but I've found this to be a good
resource for pinouts...


dale, kg5u


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