[TRLog] Re: various

Doug Smith w9wi@bellsouth.net
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 07:34:56 -0500

> From: VR2BrettGraham <vr2bg@harts.org.hk>
> Getting that straight isn't easy, but once you have everything else comes
> naturally.  Trust me - I used to think TR was a right dog's breakfast &
> Brand-C was simply the bollocks.

(well, that was an educational way of putting it!)  And 100% accurate. 
First time I tried Tr, I got so hopelessly confused it sat unused for 6
months.  After trying it again, I've become hooked - and it takes an
hour or two to remember how to operate with Brand C...

> From: Bill Leahy <ssi@rmi.net>
> There is a time and place for learning TR and changing logcfg data.
> During a Field Day or contest is not one of them. Step by step (simple)

I set aside a "blowaway" contest for learning major new changes. 
Something where I can get some reasonable rate, but don't care if I make
some major mistakes.

> Is there a function to protect TR configurations from changing during
> multi op contests, like a password? I don't mind suggestions for

I suppose you could run "attrib +r logcfg.dat" to make the config file
read-only.  How badly would TR upchuck if someone tried to do something
at the ^J menu?  

> From: paule@sfu.ca
> I hope and pray for a linux version of TRlog some day.

Agreed.  I'm now reading about "realtime" Linux kernels for industrial
control; might a Linux version now be possible?
> geoiii@kkn.net
> I am sure most of you know this but if you have
> a network of TR-log machines running you can set the date/time
> on all the computers from one of the computers across the network.

Actually, I didn't know.  How?
I would like to agree with whoever it was who asked to see the manual in
some other format besides PDF.  
HTML would probably be the most universally readable format - if you
keep the tags simple, the text in a HTML file can even be readable from
DOS.  (with Lynx)  The manual itself is fine, it's the Adobe Reader
program that's a pain...
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66
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