[TRLog] Re: various

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Thu, 29 Jun 2000 14:14:24 +0000

At 07:34 AM 6/29/00 -0500, Doug Smith wrote:
>I would like to agree with whoever it was who asked to see the manual in
>some other format besides PDF.  
>HTML would probably be the most universally readable format - if you
>keep the tags simple, the text in a HTML file can even be readable from
>DOS.  (with Lynx)  The manual itself is fine, it's the Adobe Reader
>program that's a pain...

Haters of Adobe Reader should be sure they're looking at the latest one --
4.05b.  I just downloaded it and find it much quicker and easier to use
than the old one.

So much of the value of the manual is in the screenshots and tables, I
think it would be a shame to give those up.  I know HTML can handle all
that fine, but the HTML editors I have used all seem to give platform-and
browser-dependent variations in the finished product.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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