[TRLog] Two radio mode problems

George Fremin III - K5TR geoiii@kkn.net
Thu, 25 May 2000 08:45:59 -0700

On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 10:54:35AM +0000, NR1DX wrote:
> I started playing with the two radio mode for the first time, and I must be
> missing something cant get it to talk to both radios.
> The first radio is a TS-950 on COM2
> The second radio is a TS-870 on COM3.
> The program recognizes and controls Radio #1 just fine, but I cant get
> communication with the second radio to occur when I hit the Space Bar.  When I
> set up in single radio mode I can get the program to talk to which ever radio

To switch between radios you should use the ALT-R key.


George Fremin III        "When a true genius appears in the world,
Johnson City, TX           you may know him by this sign; that the 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)            dunces are all in confederacy against him."    
830/868-2510                                   -- Jonathan Swift

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