Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 16:26:36 -0400

Thanks to Kevin, W9CF, I have the SBDVP working pretty well with TR.  One
thing that was fooling me is that the Alt-W/Alt-R commands work fine for
recording all the messages TR can send, but the little wheels that normally
denote recording or playback when using a hardware DVP are not visible.
not a big deal.

In my case, using an original SB16 sound card, my microphone audio feeds
through the card into my transceiver if I leave it connected to the sound
card mike input.  I've contrived a switching system to take care of that,
but in the process I noticed that my recorded audio, while excellent in
fidelity and level, has some audible white noise in the background.  It's
not hum or blower noise, but actual white noise, I presume in the sound
card itself.  It's not an artifact of the recording process, because it is
also present when my mike audio is just looping through the sound card back
to my transceiver.

Is this a known characteristic of the SB16, or of sound cards in general?
Or am I doing something wrong, that can be fixed?


73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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