[TRLog] Cabrillo format for ARRL 10-meter contest has wrong exchange

Bob Wruble ai7b@teleport.com
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 06:52:53 -0700

only contestants are penalized never sponsors or log checkers!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Heideman" <mikeh@airflash.com>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 6:03 PM
Subject: [TRLog] Cabrillo format for ARRL 10-meter contest has wrong

> I just received an email from Dave, K8CC, informing me that the Cabrillo
> log I submitted for the ARRL 10-meter contest had the wrong exchange,
> giving SCV instead of CA as the state.  I reran POST C and noticed that
> it never asked for the state or the sent exchange, just the section.  I
> hadn't thought to check this detail when I submitted the log.
> So, let this serve as a reminder to me and everyone else that you need
> to check the Cabrillo output to make sure that it is correct.  Now that
> I've screwed up NAQP and 10-meter, I can't wait to see what comes back
> next...
> Tree, please fix the Cabrillo emission problems for these two contests
> before next year.  Some of us live in and operate from sections that are
> not the same as the state.
> 73,
> -Mike, N7MH
> --
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