[TRLog] funny stuff

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Sun, 9 Dec 2001 09:18:56 -0800

> I ctrl-alt-del 'ed it, and it restarted fine (I restarted it in dos mode - 
> it was in a window when it crashed).

I think in general the floppy save feature causes more problems than it has
every prevented.

> TR came up just fine, with the temp log OK.  But from then on, it was hit 
> and miss with dupe displays.  I checked the relevant Ctrl-J items, and they 
> were OK.  But sometimes it would display the potential dupes as I entered 
> new calls, and sometimes it wouldn't.  Space bar always worked for dupes, 
> but I'm spoiled by the automatic feature.  What was puzzling, was the 
> inconsistency.

The partial call list was probably blown away when you restarted.  You 
would have to had set the flag to regenerate the partial call list when
starting up (takes longer).  The default is off.

> It also, on the initial CW character, every so often would garble it 
> (usually the C in CQ).  Again, inconsistent.

I have never been able to reproduce this.  


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