[TRLog] Newbie Questions

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 15:00:35 -0500

At 01:27 PM 12/17/01 -0600, Mark Beckwith wrote:
>My callsign and exchange fields do not change color when I change from CQ
>to S&P mode.  I also have completely customized every color on the screen, so
>maybe somewhere in that process I made everything the same color all the

>My visual cue that I'm in S&P mode is that I can actually see the exchange
>field.  In the CQ mode you can't (uh, I guess?).

Yep, but I'm a hunt and peck typist, so I like having the green exchange
field visible in S&P.

>I use the SHIFT keys to tune my RIT when running a CQ frequency.  VERY handy.

Only with some radios, unfortunately.

>Tip:  Memorize the following command: "Kill CW <Alt-K>"
>Whatever mode you're in, even if you can't tell or you aren't sure, Kill
the CW
>and finish the stuff by hand.  Once you have regrouped mentally, either
>again to unkill the CW or the computer may do it for you automatically
when you
>instruct it to send another CQ.

Ctl-enter also works anywhere that enter works, but without the stored

73, Pete N4ZR

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