[TRLog] Newbie Questions

Dale L Martin kg5u@hal-pc.org
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 18:01:22 -0600

> My callsign and exchange fields do not change color when I change
> from CQ mode
> to S&P mode.  I also have completely customized every color on
> the screen, so
> maybe somewhere in that process I made everything the same color
> all the time.
My color scheme is as it came with the program (I think).

In CQ mode, the callsign field is magenta.
There is no exchange field present until you enter his call and send the
report, then it appears in magenta.

In S&P mode, the callsign field is magenta.
The exchange field is light green and is set with the command: EXCHANGE

Check your color schemes for CALL WINDOW and EXCHANGE WINDOW, too.

When setting their colors, the commands must be placed before the DISPLAY
MODE command in the logcfg.dat file.

> My visual cue that I'm in S&P mode is that I can actually see the exchange
> field.  In the CQ mode you can't (uh, I guess?).
That's true.  I think it doesn't appear until you have sent your cq

dale, kg5u

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