[TRLog] spotting QSOs

Mark Beckwith swca@swbell.net
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 08:14:23 -0600

Um, Ken, I know I look pretty dumb, but I was making a joke which subtly made
fun of packet users, pretending to be so pure as to not even know enough about
packet as to understand the intended use of the word "spot."  Sort of making
myself out to be the Sir Galahad of radio contesting.  Thanks tho.



>That's not what he meant.  He meant that one of the features of the N1MM
>program is a configuration that will spot every station you work S&P on
>the DX Cluster you are connected to.  So, all it takes is one lid using the
>N1MM software who can't copy calls and you automatically get a whole lot
>of bad spots on the cluster.

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