[TRLog] K1EA DVP Board in New PC

Dave Hachadorian k6ll@juno.com
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 11:09:58 -0700

There are still some state-of-the-art motherboards with
ISA slots. I was just looking at motherboards the other
day and saw the EPOX 8KTA VIA KT 133 with one ISA slot.
Maybe EPOX or some other mfr. makes a Celeron board
with an ISA slot, and the computer shop can swap it for
you. These ISA slots are getting very rare though. They
are considered "legacy" devices, along with floppy drives
and LPT ports.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

On Sun, 04 Feb 2001 09:41:02 -0800 Dave Earnest <k7jj@arrl.net> writes:
> Hi, gang! Hoping to improve things, I bought a new PC w/Celeron 700 
> Mhz
> processor and 128 meg ram. I now find that there is no slot 
> available to
> put my DVP board in. I called the shop where I bought my computer 
> and
> they tell  me that board is old technology and there is no socket
> available. Is this true?
> If so, is there any way to adapt this card to a PCI slot?
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Dave K7JJ
> --
> David E. Earnest
> k7jj@arrl.net
> --
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