[TRLog] Error message/lockup problems

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 09:11:26 -0500

Re K9NW's experience, I had two lockups using 6.53 during ARRL CW,
initially running in a DOS window under Win98SE.  No error messages in
either case.  In the first instance I was able to Ctl-Alt-Delete and just
close and restart the DOS window.  The second time was a total hang, about
150 QSOs later.  I restarted in pure DOS and had no problems for the
remaining 2000 qSOs.

One odd thing I noticed during the latter period -- my screen seemed to be
running rather slowly, to the point where I could see intermediate stages
in the updating of the mult and band info (upper right in the screen)
during logging.  This was not visible at all during operation in the Win 98
DOS window.  I assume maybe a peculiarity in the DOS driver for my new Sony

I had one NONCW moment, while receiving, and that was the sum total of the
hiccups I experienced.  Pretty decent, IMO.

73, Pete N4ZR
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