[TRLog] Error message/lockup problems

Mike Tessmer Mike Tessmer" <k9nw@qth.com
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:42:18 -0500

I've been having some lockup problems of late that continue to confound me.

First was the Phone Sprint....at least a dozen lockups in the first 1.5
hours.....seemed to cure itself after that.

Next was CW Sprint.....locked up after second QSO.  Rebooted, worked one
more QSO, then again.  Decided to reinstall the software (v. 6.54.)  That
seemed to be the cure....no more problems the rest of the contest.

Then there was ARRL DX CW last weekend.  I noticed some problems when I
first loaded up the program.  Did a reinstall once again (v. 6.54)....things
seemed OK until I started to program my messages.....locked up when I hit
escape to exit the program menus.  Noticed I had v. 6.55 also on the disk so
installed that.  Things seemed stable until the contest started.  Made three
QSOs and it locked up.  Rebooted and worked 6 more then lockup.  Rebooted
one more time (very flustered by now...) and worked three more and lockup
once again.  Resorted to Brand X program and finished the contest.

I made a note of one of the error messages:
     Runtime error 200 at FED9:051D

I didn't always get this message....usually everything just froze up and
required total reboot.

There didn't seem to be any particular pattern to anything....sometimes it
would happen when I hit ESCAPE, sometimes when I hit ENTER, sometimes when I
hit space bar, etc.

These problems first surfaced in the Phone Sprint.  Prior to that, I had
ZERO problems......from IARU HF last July up til the 10 Meter Contest last
December.  Nothing, absolutely nothing, has changed on the computer I have
been using (Pentium 120 or something like that) or at the station I have
been using, as best I can tell.  Anyone have any ideas??

73, Mike K9NW

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