[TRLog] CW problems

SM5AJV sm5ajv@chello.se
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 23:29:13 +0100

Hi Janne!
One trick I have used under a couple of years is to instead of
using shift-7 (thats / on a SM keyboard) I use / on the numeric
key pad instead. The problem is to remember to hit the numeric /
instead of the normal /.

73 de Ingo, SM5AJV / 8S5A (not ZS5A)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER" <jan-eric.rehn@telia.com>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 6:54 PM
Subject: [TRLog] CW problems

> Hello!
> During the ARRL CW I discovered some problems with TR sending scrap every time I got an answer from a station like W7/DL3OI (that was a good one from Wyoming - thanks!). I had the radio connected to COM1 and AUTO SEND CHARACTER COUNT = 4.
> To get the / I have to use the Shift key and then the radio moves in frequency and the CW going out is not readable - it's just rubbish. It always ended with a click on the CLEAR button on the radio to get back on the listening frequency and hitting the paddle and send a SRI and then the call.
> How can I avoid that to happen? I have tried to find something about this in the manual, but haven't found it (if it is there).
> I really like the feature to use the left and right Shift keys to manipulate the RIT on the radio and I also like the feature that dont use the AUTO SEND CHARACTER COUNT = 4 when you type a call that have the / in it in the beginning.
> Have I missed something in the LOGCFG.DAT?
> By the way - when I was S&P-ing I had a hard time to correct everybody insisting I was ZS3A instead of 7S3A :-) Also to try a QSO twice with a 1x1 call that insisted I was a dupe instead of working me. He was not in my log before... That will be a busted call in his log and I didn't get that 1x1 :-(
> 73 de Jan
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - Contest call: 7S3A
> SAC 2000 Contest Committee Chairman
> E-mail: sm3cer@contesting.com - ICQ: 11074897
> SM3CER Contest Service: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/
> SK3BG Web Site: http://www.sk3bg.se/
> Mostly QRV in MS or MM from: SK3BG - SK3HQ - SK3IK - SL3ZV
> K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> --
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
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