[TRLog] TRmaster.dta runtime error 201, CW output

philipp.loretz phil.loretz@bluewin.ch
Mon, 01 Jan 2001 22:08:59 +0100

Dear TR users


I created my first TRMASTER database by using POST  U E E.
The calls and the additional info I put in can be used wonderfully when
running the simulator.
Now I'd like to add some new calls.
As soon as I type Yes after pressing POST U E E the runtime
error 201 shows up so that I cannot add new calls. Why?

I am using version 6.48
The trmaster.dta file is in the folder "helvetia" together with the
configuration file

2. CW Tone.
When running the simulator the CW tone comes from the internal speaker
which sends alarm beeps etc. This is not very practical (neighbours!!)
How can I tell TR to send the CW tone to the soundcard so that I can use
headphones when running the simulator?

Many thanks for your hints

73 Phil, HB9FMU

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