[TRLog] Boot to MS-dos

scott73@best.com scott73@best.com
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 14:35:04

>In the shack, I have a 75mhz pentium just for contesting. 
>Chuck, KE4OAR

Another alternative: I am planning on buying a used or new bare bones
laptop for TR-Log.  I will format the disk, exorcising all the Windows
demons, and just put DOS 6.2 on it.  A local discount store has advertised
new IBM Thinkpad 380's, with a 12 inch TFT screen, for $500.  If you were
willing to settle for a lower quality screen, I bet you could find a used
color laptop for under $300.

A laptop just for TR-Log takes up very little room on the operating desk,
plus you can take it to multi-op stations or on contest expeditions.

		Scott  W6CT

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