[TRLog] PCI IRQ Steering

Michael Tope Michael Tope" <W4EF@dellroy.com
Sat, 6 Jan 2001 17:06:26 -0800

After switching to a cable modem several months ago, I just got around to playing with my serial 
ports again. It now seems that my COM1 has been subverted into a COM5, and COM2/COM3 on my
Dolphin serial port expander don't work at all  (the system doesn't even see them). It appears that all this 
trouble was caused by the PCI IRQ steering feature that my 10baseT network card uses to share IRQ11 
with the video adapter. Aside from getting rid of the network card (I love my cable modem) is there any 
way to fix this?

73 de Mike, W4EF..................................

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