[TRLog] Boot to MS-dos/Notebook PCs

Bob Wolbert, K6XX k6xx@arrl.net
Sat, 6 Jan 2001 10:18:38 -0800

Yes, the laptop keyboard will affect your rate and longevity. However,
virtually all full sized laptop/notebooks of the last several generations
have a connector for an external keyboard. This is the "only" way to go!

Works for me--took this setup to KH6, 6Y5, S5, local "expeditions", etc.
Highly recommended.

A old 485 or Pentium I laptop can be found cheap. Also, if you are running
from limited power, the old 486s take less juice than the new, fast
Pentiums. The newer laptops get their higher run rate from vastly improved
battery technology rather than design efficiency.

73 de Bob, K6XX

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-trlog@contesting.com [mailto:owner-trlog@contesting.com]On
Behalf Of jbattin
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:10 PM
To: trlog@contesting.com; scott73@best.com
Subject: Re: [TRLog] Boot to MS-dos

And the lap top keyboard will reduce your rate by 20%
----- Original Message -----
From: <scott73@best.com>
To: <trlog@contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TRLog] Boot to MS-dos

> >In the shack, I have a 75mhz pentium just for contesting.
> >
> >Chuck, KE4OAR
> Another alternative: I am planning on buying a used or new bare bones
> laptop for TR-Log.  I will format the disk, exorcising all the Windows
> demons, and just put DOS 6.2 on it.  A local discount store has advertised
> new IBM Thinkpad 380's, with a 12 inch TFT screen, for $500.  If you were
> willing to settle for a lower quality screen, I bet you could find a used
> color laptop for under $300.
> A laptop just for TR-Log takes up very little room on the operating desk,
> plus you can take it to multi-op stations or on contest expeditions.
> Scott  W6CT
> --
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