[TRLog] How do I add soapbox comments to Cabrillo file?

Udo DL2ZAV dl2zav@darc.de
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:29:01 +0200

> > 1. Can you tell me where I can download a program (Windows or DOS)
> > which will take my text file and put SOAPBOX: wherever needed so
> > that I can insert the resulting text file into my Cabrillo file
> > and have it readable with no extra effort by the folks I send it
> > to?  If not:
> You should be able to do this with a good text editor.  Substitute
> <cr><lf> with <cr><lf>SOAPBOX:.

There are many editors that can do this, one of them is the PFE text editor
Windows available at
It's free, has a lot of other interesting features and starts up very fast.
I use it to substitute Notepad.

Search pattern is \n ("new line")


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