[TRLog] TR-Log-Win survey results

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 13:32:22 -0400

At 12:19 PM 6/11/01 EDT, LogWindows@aol.com wrote:
>Since it would take $100,000 - $150,000 to develop this product correctly
>the market seems to be saying they wouldn't embrace a Windows version of 
>TRLog, I've decided at this time not to begin the development of the
> I will however, continue to watch the TRLog reflector for a time that may
>more 'ripe' for a Windows contesting program, that would be the best product 
>for it's market.

Rick, I can't imagine how you came up with that number, but if you're
satisfied it's correct you would have to be crazy to embark on such a
project, particularly without the TRLog name.  WriteLog is just too far
ahead in terms of acceptance in the Windows marketplace.

An aside -- I have been running TRLog on CW in a DOS window under Win98 SE
for a year or more.  A little attention is required to shutting down
background processes, and I'm not attepting to run other Windows stuff.
But isn't it also possible to capture 100 percent of the CPU cycles for
TRLog while it is in the foreground, and just keep your Geoclock or other
Windows app in suspended animation an Alt-Tab away?

73, Pete N4ZR
No, no ... that's WEST Virginia

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