[TRLog] TR-Log-Win survey results

Jon, W4ZW w4zw@home.com
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 14:30:45 -0400

[Pete N4ZR wrote] > An aside -- I have been running TRLog on CW in a DOS
window under Win98 SE
> for a year or more.  A little attention is required to shutting down
> background processes, and I'm not attempting to run other Windows stuff.
> But isn't it also possible to capture 100 percent of the CPU cycles for
> TRLog while it is in the foreground, and just keep your Geoclock or other
> Windows app in suspended animation an Alt-Tab away?

That's what I do here under WIN98 and win95, depending on which computer I
have connected.

Works fine here, clean CW, and I sometimes run two copies of TR, one for
general logging and one for whatever the contest du jour happens to be.  I
run one copy  linked to the radio and the other copy in manual mode.  I
found strange conflicts sometimes with both interfaced to the radio.  Works
fine here.  I also tried it under NT 4.0 and WIN2000, not expecting it to
work, but voila, works but with choppy CW.  NT based systems won't give up
control of any resource without a fight.

Jon Hamlet,  W4ZW
Casey Key Island, FL

"A little bit of Paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"

 One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000

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