[TRLog] Field Day problem
Dale L Martin
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:33:08 -0500
Hi, Tom.
Would it have accepted just "DX" in the exchange field (without the
precedences or RST) ? I think so. That worked for me for the Euro
contacts we made during FD (I didn't hear/work XE1/AA6RX or the KG4, so
can't say specifically in their case.)
I'll try it when I get home tonight and see.
dale, kg5u
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-trlog@contesting.com [mailto:owner-trlog@contesting.com]On
> Behalf Of Tom Hammond N�SS
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 08:13
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [TRLog] Field Day problem
> Dale:
> Dale wrote:
> >It doesn't look like anyone answered your question directly, Ted.
> >In the exchange field, only enter "DX"
> >KG4/Gitmo is a DX station, not PR or VI.
> But... I worked XE1/AA6RX (if I recall) and TR didn't want to
> accept either
> 599 MX or 1D MX.
> Tom N0SS
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