[TRLog] Russian DX and Ver. 6.57
Soro Roberto
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:21:17 +0100
Hello Igor and all,
if anybody out there is going to use the file from my ftp site please
pay attention to this:
in the russian.dom file (included in both the downloadable .zip)
there is a MISTAKE:
Xtl = XTL, Tulskaya obl.
Xvl = XVL, Vladimirskaya obl.
these oblast are wrong coded and must be edited as follows:
Tl = TL, Tulskaya obl.
Vl = VL, Vladimirskaya obl.
Don't ask me the reason of this but be glad you know it, instead :-) !!
In any case the russian.dom of the 6.55 for instance is OK
The russian.dom above has the neat feature that lets you know even the name
of the oblast while you are working it, and sometime could be handy in SSB.
In the config file there are instruction on how to have the oblast filled in
exchange window through the USER1 field from the DTA file.
I write this here since I'm not sure I can do the update on the site in
(better saying: I'm sure I won't)
GL and may be cu in the contest.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Igor Sokolov [mailto:ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 12:08 AM
> To: trlog@contesting.com
> Subject: [TRLog] Russian DX and Ver. 6.57
> Russian Dx contest is on this coming weekend.
> The complete set of rules and last year results are here:
> http://rdxc.narod.ru/news.html
> russian.dom is missing in the distribution zip file of ver
> 6.57 but the one
> from earlier versions can be used without any problems.
> If you still use the earlier version of TRlog that does not
> support Russian
> Dx contest you can find configuration files that will enable you and
> TRmaster.dta with designator of Russian oblasts in USER1 field here:
> http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/ftplist.html
> Ver. 6.57 does not require that. It scores everything
> correctly. Just add
> Russian.dom and TRMASTER.dta if you wish.
> See you in the contest.
> 73,
> Igor, UA9CDC
> --
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