[TRLog] Why doesn't this mult lookup work?

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:32:44 -0800

> If the ".dom" file has the following entries in this particular order:
> Bed = Bedford, BED, BEDF
> Bedx = BedfordCity, BEDX
> When I enter BEDFORDCITY or BEDFORD, the mult comes out as Bed in both 
> cases.
> If the ".dom" file has the following entries in this order:
> Bedx = BedfordCity, BEDX
> Bed = Bedford, BED, BEDF
> When I enter BEDFORDCITY or BEDFORD, the mult comes out as Bedx in both 
> cases.
> The only why I can explain this is that the compare length in the lookup 
> algorithm uses the shorter length, whether it is from what was entered or 
> what's in the .dom file.  I believe that the compare length shud be the 
> length of what was entered, for the first pass.  Then, if you get no hits, 
> knock the last character off of what was entered for the next pass, but 
> still use the length of what was entered (less one).
> Is there something I'm missing?

Entries in the domestic lookup table are six characters maximum
in length.  Thererfore, BedfordCity = Bedford = Bedfor.


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