[TRLog] Any way to eliminate syntax checking for one QSO?

Igor Sokolov Igor Sokolov" <ua9cdc@dialup.mplik.ru
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 03:30:21 +0500

Another alternative is to log the correct exchange and after the qso do
CTRL-N and put the exchange that the other station gave you or abandon the
automatic check for the entire contest and just log what was given. Then do
the check after the contest.

Igor, UA9CDC

> Tks for the responses.  Ctrl J with 5 keystrokes at the front end (Ctrl J,
> Q, Enter, Enter, Esc) and 4 keystrokes to set it back (Ctrl J, Q, Enter,
> Esc) isn't by idea of a good solution.
> So, I've been playing around with
> I'm not sure what NAME is. I enter "stuff" and it takes it, but the
> doesn't show up in the log.  In case you're not with me, the exchange that
> didn't match anything in the .DOM file would be the NAME and then I would
> enter a valid MULT, link TN, & after the contest scan thru the log & see
> any TNs needed cleaning up.
> So, my question is, shouldn't NAME be logged?
> Sorry I can't spend more time digging on this one, but have to go to work
> then leaving after work to get to my contest location for the VAQP
> tomorrow.
> 73,
> Fritz K4OAQ
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Submissions:              trlog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  trlog-REQUEST@contesting.com
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