[TRLog] Icom Schmicom

Larry Menzel retire@rconnect.com
Mon, 05 Nov 2001 10:39:19 -0600


Well, thanks to our friend, Marion, I was able to get my 746 interfaced
with TR and could use it for the second day of SS.

I have the SO2R Master from Array Solutions, and with TR, it's a great
combo for SO2R work...just have to get the hang of it.  The boxes work well
together, and it reallly forces you to use the second radio all the
time...just takes a mammoth job of coordination to remember where the hell
you are all the time....practice makes perfect, I hope.

So, bottom line...there are no switches to pull or change, like the 765,
just set the CI-V setting on the 746 to 56h just like the book says, and
use the following:


	My IC746 M2 SET #27 "SET CI-V Baud Rate" is set to 1200 also.
	IC746 M2 SET #28 "SET CI-V Address" is set to 56h
	IC746 M2 SET #29 "SET CI-V Transceive" is set to OFF
	IC746 M2 SET #30 "SET CI-V 731 Mode" is set to OFF

I'll leave it to the more sophisticated members of the group to explain why
the recieve address in the .dat file and the radio ain't the same, but all
I know is, IT WORKS! but don't understand why.

Anyhow, I'm suggesting that Tree or George include a little note in the
manual...maybe an errata type sheet and mention this regarding the Icoms.

Thanks for the help, all who posted to me and to the list.

Larry, N0XB
Northfield, MN

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