[TRLog] Telnet DX Cluster and TR

Len Revelle lenrev@ameritech.net
Fri, 16 Nov 2001 20:36:15 -0600

Probably best asked much earlier but is TR capable of using an IP connection
to a packet cluster node rather than a TNC? While I know I can run TR in a
DOS window and Telnet with another window I'd much prefer to do it entirely
from TR, using TR's features as if a TNC was the source of spots.

If this is not do-able now, with the proliferation of DSL and other high
speed full time links, it would certainly be an awsome feature.

  Len Revelle  N9IJ
 AMA 60055   LSF 7492
QRP-ARCI#10923 QRP-L#2353
 ARS#1099 Live Wire#529

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