[TRLog] Problems with SCP (Super Check Partial)

Tree N6TR tree@kkn.net
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:39:20 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Larry Menzel wrote:

> In a related situation, TR was not putting in the zones for me as I typed in
> call signs.  Do I have to throw a switch somewhere?
> The manual says that it checks the cty.dat and one of the .dom files for
> this.  I start TR from a contest-name subdirectory, so
> do I have to move the .dom files to the active directory?

You typed in the call and then hit RETURN?  This should result in 
the zone appearing in the exchange window.  If the cty.dat file
is either in the active directory, or the same directory as the
TR.EXE file, the program should find it.  

Start with a fresh version of the CQ WW and see if it works.


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