[TRLog] Interesting Occurrence Using 6.59

Richard Ferch ve3iay@rac.ca
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 22:04:51 -0500

Bob, Earl,

I'm guessing you have CALLSIGN UPDATE ENABLE = TRUE, right? If so, whenever
the received serial number is a single digit, the SS exchange with no spaces
looks like a possible callsign with the results you described. The solution
is very simple: Always enter a space between the precedence and the check in
the SS exchange. Alternatively, you can turn CALLSIGN UPDATE ENABLE off, but
then you have to go through contortions whenever you copy the callsign wrong
the first time around. Personally, I find it easier to hit the space bar
unthinkingly after the precedence in every SS exchange. As Udo pointed out,
this can happen in any contest where part of the exchange can look like a
call sign - SS happens to be the worst culprit.


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